Selasa, 02 April 2013

Tugas IV Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Ari Ariandi
Task IV, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

Should goverment spend more money on improving road and highways or should goverment spend more money in improving public transportation ( buses, trans, subway ) why ? use spesific reason and details to develup your essay .

I think the government should not spend money just to increase highway. Since the major factor in the government's problem is how to make public transport cheaper, convenient, safe, affordable, effective and efficient for consumers (buses, trans, subway).

The addition of the government's public transportation more beneficial than adding highway construction without offset by adequate public facilities. So many people would choose private transportation that will make the highway will become jammed.

Construction of the highway is important, but better government increased public transport development is useful for many people in their daily activities.

It is feared that if the government increased highway construction, resulting in a lot of people are not conscious of the importance of public transportation. In conclusion the government adds to the development of better public transport is cheap, convenient, safe, affordable, effective and efficient for consumers. In order to minimize the government's increasing road users who use private transport.

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